International Poultry Welfare Alliance
IPWA Leadership Structure
Both the International Poultry Welfare Alliance (IPWA) and the US Roundtable for Sustainable Poultry and Eggs (US-RSPE) are focused on advancing sustainable outcomes for the poultry value chain.
IPWA recognizes that poultry welfare cannot be viewed as a standalone topic. IPWA believes that welfare must be viewed, discussed and promoted in a manner that reflects global awareness, improves sustainable food production practices, builds community trust, and emphasizes a commitment to scientific and technological knowledge that will benefit poultry. Joint membership and collaborative leadership from IPWA and US-RSPE allow members to collaborate on various themes related to poultry welfare and sustainability.

The IPWA Board of Directors is the elected leadership body of the Alliance and includes officers and directors from each of the constituency groups of the organization. These volunteer leaders are passionate about poultry welfare and the success of IPWA.